BCom Marketing

Programme Structure
Second Semester
MKT 201 Event Management
To be populated
MKT 202 Customer Relationship Management
To be populated
MKT 204 Retail Management
To be populated
PCM 206 Stores and Warehousing Management
To be populated
SBU 206 Principles of Marketing
This course introduces students the basic principles, tools and techniques of concepts of marketing and their application to business practice. The course covers issues in marketing such as the evolution of marketing, the marketing philosophies, marketing orientations, the business environment in which marketers operate in, introduction to consumer behaviour, targeting, segmentation, positioning, product, price, place and promotions.
Course Objectives
By the end of the course, students should be able to:
- comprehend marketing principles and functions
- develop skills in managing a firm’s marketing activities
- apply the skills obtained in making marketing decisions.
Course Content
- Evolution of Marketing
- Marketing Philosophies
- Introduction Consumer Behaviour
- Micro and Macro Marketing Environment
- Targeting, Segmentation and Positioning
- The Product Concept
- The Concept of Price
- Distribution or Place
- The Concept of Promotion
Mode of Delivery
The course is delivered through a two-hour weekly lecture and one-hour weekly tutorials.
Reading Materials
Main Texts
Palmatier, R., &Sridhar, S. (Ed). (2017). Marketing Strategy: Based on First Principles and
Data Analytics. Red Globe Press.
Kotler, P.T., & Armstrong, G. (Eds). (2017). Principles of Marketing. Pearson.
Other Texts
Varley, R., & Rafiq, M. (2014). Principles of retailing. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Lilien, G.L., Rangaswamy, A., & Bruyn, A.D. (Eds). (2017). Principles of Marketing
Engineering and Analytics. Decision Pro, Inc.
SBU 206 Negotiation Process and Management
The course is aimed at developing analytical and communication skills that are necessary for successful business negotiations. The course helps students develop effective negotiation skills through the application of tools, concepts and techniques for successful negotiation.
Course Objectives
At the end of the course, students should be able to:
- acquire knowledge in the basic types of negotiations, phases of negotiations, skills needed for successful negotiating;
- develop skills in creating commercial agreements and organizing successful tender and quotations; and
- apply appropriate persuasion tools for successful negotiation.
Course Content
- Introduction to the negotiation and commercial agreements
- Contractual agreements for supply
- The Role of Negotiation in Procurement and Supply
- Negotiation Outcomes and Approaches
- Economic Factors that Influence Negotiation
- Analysis of Costs and Price
- Objectives and Variables
- Planning and Preparation
- The negotiation Meeting
- Techniques and tactics of Persuasion
- Communication Skills for Negotiation
- Power and Relationships
- The International Dimension
Mode of Delivery
The course is delivered through a-two hour weekly lectures and an hour weekly tutorial.
Reading Materials:
Main Text
Fisher, R. & Ury, W. (2010). Getting to Yes. England: Random House Business Books
Saunders, M. D., Barry, B. &Lewick, R. (2010). Negotiation. Boston: McGraw- Hill.
Other Text
Brinkert, R. & Jones, T. S. (2008). Conflict coaching: conflict management strategies and skills for the individual. Los Angeles, CA: Sage Publications.
Churchman, D. (2004). Negotiation: process, tactics and theory. New York: University Press of America.
Second Semester
MKT 302 Sales Management
To be populated
MKT 308 Customer Relationship Management
To be populated
PCM 302 Procurement and Supply Contexts
To be populated
PCM 304 Policy and Legal Aspects of Procurement
This course is designed to explain the legal framework which governs public procurement in Ghana. The stages involved with procurement strategies for goods, works and services are highlighted, and the requirements of the Procurement Act, 2003 in respect of tendering process are studied in details.
Course Objectives
Having completed this course, students should be able to:
- acquire knowledge in the compliance issues of requirements for sourcing from suppliers;
- develop skills in planning for sourcing goods or services from external suppliers; and
- apply these skills in assessing the financial stability of potential suppliers and the main processes that can be applied to the requirements for sourcing from suppliers.
Course Content
- Institutions and regulations governing public procurement
- Procurement structures
- Procurement rules
- Methods of procurement
- Tendering procedures
- Methods and procedures to engage the services of consultants
- Complaints and administrative review
- Disposal of stores, vehicles, plant and equipment
- Miscellaneous provisions
Mode of Delivery
The course is delivered through a-two hour weekly lectures and an hour weekly tutorial.
Reading Materials:
Main Text
Arrowsmith, S., & Quinot, G. (Eds.). (2013). Public procurement regulation in Africa. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Other Text
Arrowsmith, S., Treumer, S., Fejø, J., & Jiang, L. (2011). Public procurement regulation: an introduction. Nottingham: Nottingham University Press.
Dagbanja, D. N. (2011). The Law of Public Procurement in Ghana. Germany:
Lambert Academy Publishing.
Public Procurement Act, (2003) Act 663, as amended by Act 914 of 2016.
PCM 306 Public Sector Procurement
To be populated
Second Semester
MKT 401 Marketing Communication
To be populated
MKT 402 International Marketing
To be populated
PCM 402 Strategic Supply Chain Management
The focus of the course is on the development of organizational strategy in the context of supply chain management and the supply chain management performance. It exposes students to the strategic role of supply chain in corporate performance.
Course Objectives
By the end of the course students should be able to:
- acquire knowledge on the strategic purpose of supply chain management and its relationship with tactical and operational decisions;
- develop skills analysing the challenges facing various industries in design and long-term planning of complex supply chains; and
- apply a range of quantitative techniques for effective supply chain performance analysis.
Course Content
- Functional, Business and Corporate Levels of Strategy
- Strategic Supply Chain Management and Corporate Business Strategy
- Market Change and Strategic Supply Chain Management
- Development and implementation of strategic relationship management in supply chain
- Segmentation in designing supply chain
- Network Supply Chains
- Distribution Systems in Supply Chain Management
- Lean and Agile Supply Chains
- Managing Stakeholders
- Supply Chains Performance Measurement
Mode of Delivery
The course is delivered through a-two hour weekly lectures and an hour weekly tutorial
Reading Materials:
Main Text
Chopra, S., & Meindl, P. (2015). Supply Chain Management: Strategy, Planning and Operation (6th ed). Pearson.
Chopra, S., & Meindel, P. (2012). Supply chain management: Strategy, planning and operation. London: Springer
Other text
CIPS. (2012). Strategic supply chain management. London: CIPS Publications.
Coyle, J.J., Langley, C.J., Novack, R.A., & Gibson, B. J. (2013). Supply Chain Management: A Logistics Perspective (9th ed). South-Western, Cengage Learning.
PCM 404 Procurement Audit
This course is designed to equip students with the requisite skills to effectively supervise procurement activities. It focuses on verifying compliance with legal, ethical and professional requirements of procurement, to achieve “value for money” in procurement operations. Emphasis is laid on the detection of fraud and corruption in the various steps of the procurement cycle.
Course Objectives
By the end of the course, students should be able to:
- acquire knowledge on fraud prevention and detection;
- develop skills and techniques needed to prevent, detect and deter fraud in organizations; and
- incorporate ethical attitudes and promote fraud prevention in practice.
Couse Content
- The nature and scope of procurement audits and investigations
- Professional and legal requirements for procurement auditing
- Detection of Procurement Fraud and misconduct
- Procurement Ethics
- Audit report and audit opinion
Mode of Delivery
The course is delivered through a-two hour weekly lectures and an hour weekly tutorial.
Reading Materials:
Main Text
Kasliwal, V. (2018). A guide book to managing sap SRM system effectively: A guide to manage procurement system and to understand Technical and Functional best practices in landscape. Uttar Pradesh: Peritos Solutions.
Regan, D. J. O., CIA, & FCA (2017). Auditing The Procurement Function (2nd ed). North America: Internal Audit Foundation
Other Text
Bourn, J. S. (2008). Public sector auditing: Is it value for money. New York: Wiley Publications.
Linsteadt, C., & Saldmisick, M. (2003). Auditing vendor relationships. London: Institute of internal Auditors.
PCM 406 International Procurement
To be populated
Second Semester
PCM 102 Procurement Principles and Practice
To be populated