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  • UCC School of Business Qualifies for Tertiary Business Sense Challenge (TBSC) FINALS

    The Tertiary Business Sense Challenge (TBSC) is a business quiz competition organized by Graphic Business in partnership with Institute of Chartered Accountants Ghana (ICAG) and aimed at developing the minds of tertiary business students to build successful business careers in the future.

  • Nduom School of Business and Technology Ready to Host UCC First Year Students
    Nduom School of Business and Technology Ready to Host UCC First Year Students

    Management of the University University of Cape Coast has paid a familiarisation visit to Nduom School of Business and Technology (NSBT) to assess its readiness to host some newly-admitted students of the University.

    The team led by the Vice-Chancellor inspected facilities like lecture halls, main administration, library, auditorium, cafeteria, hostel, infirmary, ICT Services among others.

  • School of Business Joins Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business
    School of Business Joins Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business

    The University of Cape Coast School of Business has become a member of the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACB).

    UCC has now become the second University in Ghana to be approved as a member of AACSB.

  • UCC Engages Venture Capital Trust Fund for Collaboration
    UCC Engages Venture Capital Trust Fund for Collaboration

    The University has expressed interest to partner with Venture Capital Trust Fund (VCTF) to pursue the entrepreneurship agenda of the University.

    The Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Johnson Nyarko Boampong, to pursue the entrepreneurship agenda of the University.

    The Vice-Chancellor during his investiture pledged to transform UCC into a world-class entrepreneurial university with a global competitive edge.

  • School of Business Holds Handing Over Ceremony for new Heads of Department,Director and Coordinator
    School of Business Holds Handing Over Ceremony for new Heads of Department,Director and Coordinator

    The School of Business has organised a handing over ceremony for the Heads of Department of Management and Human Resource Management, Centre for Entrepreneurship and Small Enterprise Development (CESED) and the Business Incubator
    Dr. Nicodemus Osei Owusu and Dr. Nana Yaw Oppong have taken over from Dr. Abraham Ansong and Dr. (Mrs.) Rebecca Dei Mensah as Heads for the Departments of Management and Human Resource Management respectively.