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School of Business International Students Application Guide and Support

School of Business International Students Application Guide and Support

Application guide

2023 School of Business Dean's Awards Ceremony

UCC School of Business awards 279 excellence achievers at the 2023 Dean's Awards ceremony. Hon. Dr. Kwamena Minta Nyarku, Member of Parliament (MP), Cape Coast North who was the guest of honour challenged tertiary students to consciously equip themselves with the relevant skill sets to meet the demands of the evolving job market.

School of Business Management Socialise with Foreign Students

School of Business Management organised a maiden socialization programme for foreign students in the School to fraternise and obtain first-hand information about their studies on campus.

BCOM (Procurement and Supply Chain Management) Programme receives CILT Accreditation

Students of the UCC School of Business reading Bachelor of Commerce (Procurement and Supply Chain Management) will now graduate with a competitive edge over their colleagues reading the same programme in other institutions.

UCC School of Business Held an orientation for the Batch of Students on the Sandwich MBA Programme at Burma Camp

The UCC School of Business has held an orientation for the first batch of students on the Sandwich Master of Busines

UCC School of Business Orient its Fresh Students

As a top to the University-wide orientation programme that was organised by the Office of the Dean of Students of the University, the UCC School of Business held other sessions specially to orient its fresh undergraduate and postgraduate men and women for the 2022/2023 academic year.


The UCC School of Business, at the second edition of the CEOs' Engagement Series has hosted two female CEOs, the discussions of which focused on issues of Environment, Social and Governance (ESG), a phenomenon that is becoming an integral part of the business world. The programme was organised on Tuesday, March 14, 2023 at Auditorium 900 C. A. Ackah Lecture Theatre Complex at 2:00 p.m.

School of Business Management pays a visit to Pro Vice-Chancellor

School of Business Management Committee pays a visit to Pro Vice-Chancellor on Prof.(Mrs) Rosemond Boohene, the Pro Vice-Chancellor of the University of Cape Coast, upon assumption of office.

Nduom School of Business and Technology Ready to Host UCC First Year Students

Management of the University University of Cape Coast has paid a familiarisation visit to Nduom School of Business and Technology (NSBT) to assess its readiness to host some newly-admitted students of the University.

The team led by the Vice-Chancellor inspected facilities like lecture halls, main administration, library, auditorium, cafeteria, hostel, infirmary, ICT Services among others.

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